A Professional Organization for Military Chaplains

The role of the Military Chaplain is almost as old as the United States itself. On July 29, 1775 at the request of General George Washington, the Continental Congress first established the role of Military Chaplain in the armed forces. Since 1789, the government has required chaplains to serve in the army, navy, air force, federal prisons, and the Veterans Administration. Today’s chaplains provide religious and spiritual care to military personnel, offer ethical guidance to commanding officers, and work with social workers and mental health professionals in responding to a variety of issues that impact active duty, reserve, and guard personnel and their families.

“As the Army’s resident experts in human multidimensionality and the human search for meaning, our Chaplains do not lead and minister from a position of irrelevance seeking relevancy, but from a place of enduring relevance seeking a greater and broader application.”

Chaplain (Major General) Thomas L. Solhjem, Chief of Chaplains
The State of the U.S. Army Corps, April 2023

If you are currently serving as a Miliary Chaplain or if you aspire to become one, read on to learn how the Spiritual Care Association can help you with the ongoing professional chaplaincy development and support you need in addition to fulfilling the requirements of the United States Chaplain Corps.

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